20 Biggest Culture Shocks For Americans in Europe

20 Biggest Culture Shocks For Americans in Europe

#europe #america #travel
After spending more than 2.5 years living in Europe and traveling
to all 49 countries on the continent (most of them 3+ times) -- |
am excited to share with you the "20 Biggest Cultural Differences"
that I find between the two places!
Please note that when I refer to "Europe" in this video, l am
generalizing quite a bit. I do realize that many countries in Europe
(i.e. Moldova, Kosovo, Armenia, etc) are different from the rest of
the continent. And also - keep in mind that all opinions in this
video are MINE and based on my own personal travel experiences
as an American traveler in Europe.
I'm curious to get your thoughts on this! Did I miss anything on this
list that you would add? Do you disagree with any of my points?
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