Duruitoarea Veche (ENGLISH SUBTITLES) #stancileprutului #ecoturismo #ecoturism #moldova #mountains


Legends say that the name of the village comes from the Duruita river, which for many centuries flowed into the Ciuhur river, a tributary of the Prut.
The village was documented only in 1755, when a Polish ambassador stopped here on his way to Constantinople.
In 1772 Duruitoarea appears on the map of the Russian general Baner. In 1835 the estate of Duruitoarea village passed into the possession of Păscăuți Monastery, Botoșani county. Three families in the village had Austrian citizenship, the number of peasant courts amounted to 50. Ioan Cuzmiță, a landlord, had large lands in the valley of the Duruita stream and over Ciuhur.
In Duruitoarea two centuries-old buildings have survived. One is the one in which the primary school functioned for many decades. In 1892 a one-room parish school was operating here. Its owner was the nobleman Gheorghe Precup. On 1 December 1901 Gavril Hagacevschi from the village of Danu was appointed as a teacher here. In 1933 in Duruitoarea Veche there was a primary school, attended by 90 children. The teachers here were Eleonora and Eudochia Buzdugan, Gheorghe Săul and Vasile Chetraru.
Older locals often remembered Chetraru's spring. The inhabitants, good people, as a sign of respect and esteem for the former teacher Vasile Chetraru, took care of this spring for many years.
A long and successful activity had two teachers who remained in the memory of many generations of children from Duruitoarea. Vasile Mereuță, headmaster and teacher Efim Gherman (Haim Ițcovici). The school building dates back to the 19th century. The thick walls, the solid oak floor, the large doors, the high bridge... Everything is just as it was. The museum is now housed in this building.
Another building - the calling card of the village of Duruitoarea Veche is the church dedicated to the Archangels Michael and Gabriel. It was built by the villagers in 1806. It was made of wood, glued with clay, covered with straw. The stone church was built on the site of the old one in 1848 with the diligence of the priest Teodor Constantin Onufrievici and the parishioners. The construction is shaped like a cross. It was consecrated on 8 November 1848.
Among the objects of worship in the church, the oak iconostasis, bought by the parishioners and installed in 1921, and two old icons "Virgin Mary" (1935) and "Saint Archangel Michael" (1937) are worth mentioning.

1. Old Duruitoarea Cave.
2. Duruitoarea Gorge.
3. Costești-Stânca reservoir.
4. Museum.
5. "Rock of Love"..


#stancileprutului #terrahumana #ecoturismo #ecoturism #moldova #mountainrunning #mountains #mountain #edinet #Riscani #glodeni

The project "The ecotourism route of the Prut Cliffs in Edinet, Riscani and Glodeni rayons" is co-financed within the framework of the Polish Development Cooperation Programme of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland.
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