Visiting CRICOVA WINERY in MOLDOVA | The best of Chisinau, Moldova | Our Impressions of Moldova

Welcome back to our channel and join us on a wine tour to one of the most important wine cellars in Moldova . “ Cricova ”, the jewel of Moldovan wine , is located in the heart of the Republic of Moldova.
We had never done a tour like this before and were struck by the scale of Underground City, its unparalleled wine collection and a memorable visit to the Film Underground Chapel .This is the last stop in our Moldova journey , so stay with us until the end and get ready to be fascinated by this underground storage space, Its exceptional , naturally created microclimate which has become ideal for making and maturing high - quality wines .

For bookings, visit this website :
They accept cash (in Moldovian currency)or cards, and they can speak English. You can contact them via e mail or WhatsApp

About Us:

We are Shalini and Subham, an Indian couple living in France and we love to travel. We have a goal of visiting as many places as we can, and explore each place to the best we can. We have day jobs but we travel whenever we can; weekends, sometimes weekdays with our laptops in our backpacks, anytime we can.

#moldova #chișinău #transnistria
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