Walking in Valea Morilor park ????️ ( Moldova) 3 October

It really an incredible what realized dream about which planned 2 years about filming in the central park ????️ of Chisinau - Valea Morilor.

Strightly nearly at University passing in Valea Morilor lake park. Till the park ????️ can drive on 12 trolleybus.

Filming is beginning on stair and passing through 76% of this park ????️ with an incredible view on the lake of Botna river, (mother of which of Dniestr river), trees, ???? kayakers duck's making miracles behind of lake of river Botna and Dniestr.
Of course every day a lot of like natives like tourists from all over the world ???? walking in this wonderful park ????️ with an incredible view on lake and the tree.
Central city beach ????️ was opened in 2015 year, so what every summer ????️ beach ????️ on this lake os opening always where can swim in mini sea.

Duck's almost flying under and on this lake.

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- Alexey Chernov
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