| DIRETO | Euc. Dominical (Dia BP | 28.FEV.21) com Bispo do Algarve

No domingo, dia 28 Fevereiro, II da Quaresma, estivemos durante a manhã de Domingo em direto da bonita Capela de S. José do Seminário de Faro, a acompanhar “online” a Eucaristia Dominical, presidida pelo Bispo do Algarve, D. Manuel Quintas.

Comemorou-se também um dia muito especial para todos os Escuteiros, dia de Baden-Powell, que foi recordado de forma especial.
On Sunday, February 28, II of Lent, we were on Sunday morning from the beautiful Chapel of S. José at the Seminary of Faro, following “online” the Sunday Eucharist, chaired by the Bishop of the Algarve, D. Manuel Quintas.

There was also a very special day for all Scouts, Baden-Powell Day, which was remembered in a special way.
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