Europe's Modern Issues

This is the culminating lesson in our look at Europe. In this lesson, we discuss what Europe is like today. Specifically, Europe's slow growing, if not shrinking population is examined as is immigration issues of migrants and refugees coming to the country. The background behind some European's objection to allowing Syrian and other refugees into the country is discussed. The lesson also takes a look at religion in Europe: the rise of its Muslim population along with a step away from the Christian Church by many Europeans.

The lesson moves onto examining the economics of Europe; why it has 9 of the top 15 countries on the United Nation's Human Development Index (HDI). We also look at why Luxembourg and Switzerland, while landlocked countries, are the two richest countries in the world on a per capita basis.

Europe's NATO and European Union alliances are discussed as well as a look at the new found aggressiveness of Russia in the last decade.

While this video is produced to specifically address the Texas Education Knowledge Skills standards for the World Geography studies course, it is helpful to anyone who wishes to know more about the world around them and Europe in particular.
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