Extreme Road Rage Of 2021 | Crazy People & Bad Drivers VS Bikers. EP [214]

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Original videos with owners permissions:

[0:05] - Chimmy - Nice One Batman... - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uaCYJt-8qPA&lc=Ugw45hYS3iPx80LGCUB4AaABAg.9Hobwbq-tXG9Hocm45vu8E
[0:25] - Hot Spot Action - Slechte chauffers #1 Bad Drivers - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CLKwk6Quk-Q&feature=youtu.be
[0:40] - heff520 - I almost f****d up!!! - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n7oRQLOjjJA&lc=UgwMEE9Yhp4Dx5IZZWZ4AaABAg.9HocG2wLSD09HokdzFkypa
[1:01] - Chimmy - Idiot's drive BMW's... - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5-WqOYz1lzA&lc=UgzDzrq7QNCRAnRjS654AaABAg.9HtYdgNA1ES9HtfBP2WtEL
[1:27] - Wesley Rodrigues Brasil - 11 de dezembro de 2020 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rfkH2AnIP-s&lc=Ugwirv98aDYc4pcZ_VV4AaABAg.9Hh3z7bGnaE9HpBRJ4lPkP
[1:46] - Tito Tuga - ACIDENTE GRAVE DE MOTA | N2 em FARO! (Algarve) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=75P5W8si1wo&lc=UgyyRBiZpCWKxINhjvN4AaABAg.9Hoc3OCw9LK9HocRT2Euhb
[2:02] - SHOGUN - UK bad drivers 2020 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2r4rHrvKdRc&lc=UgzqhFUqaiLs-Gt97v54AaABAg.9HtcEzudUP69HtfyOZO9Nb
[2:23] - Hot Spot Action - Slechte chauffeurs Bad Drivers 3 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OOQRX7lNBU4&feature=youtu.be
[2:50] - MTR1DER - Another STOP fail - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WydRK-q5B-w&lc=Ugw4z7JbEU5-koWZwDt4AaABAg.9HrCef281n-9HrsYTHFvB4
[3:12] - MotoVolta – Gr - Electrical phenomenon with almost hit by car - Yamaha Fz6 (Greece Thessaloniki) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CyowU6ond8E&lc=UgymkI1vN5RPiDt19Ch4AaABAg.9HrDBIH2lK09HrDafVaPv9
[3:37] - irunnit909 - 2017 Cbr1000rr brake fade - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tu-scFL1CJ8&lc=UgyGhjWMV1pwcw1PeDF4AaABAg.9HtbRPwQEYf9HtpkcZZrA_
[4:01] - Alexs Stenoff - horn 4 nd 5 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wNr1MpUYs_s&lc=Ugy-8zQmgclqj0qxq7x4AaABAg.9Hjg9pdOb_P9Hjwl6i4bYe
[4:38] - Two Stroke J - Dirtbike Chain Breaks WHILE RIDING - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v0N9sb_-4RQ&lc=UgziNTk0lb8S51xclzx4AaABAg.9F-DLuvoQ7q9F-DemNz0ko
[5:27] - SAM MoTo Life - |City Ride Went Wrong ???? | Mirror smashed| Suzuki Gsxr750| - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5uMqALc5yM0&lc=UgwPIgW1McQeDLjNAGx4AaABAg.9Hjg_sePtrP9HlBs8V63_Y
[5:47] - ManKid Rides - Homicidal narcissist cries to the Police - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CWxJqSKBgfQ&lc=Ugxd7WNC6Ak7CABwHO94AaABAg.9HjgUr_x_Vi9Hjup8YPU9c
[7:44] - Lister of Smeg - Random incidents 29 11 2020 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m5_VHQrLBlQ&lc=UgxAeLZcpWl3T3gat3x4AaABAg.9GgD48LkMdA9GgEkT5zDkl
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