My First BABY Reaction | First Day from the Crazy 72 Hours | Algarve

Our Baby first day was incredible, so intense and magical. In this video and in the next ones I will describe the crazy 72 hours that I had. COM LEGENDAS EM PORTUGUÊS!!
The joy of the baby birth during the night and then the stress and worrying moments from the first day.
It was all so magical.
Belinda and Lara were amazing. All started at 11:30 pm. We were at home when the waters broke. We didn't understood well what was happening, all was new for us, has everything until now ????.
We stayed at home to measure what was happening. A little time after the Contractions started, stronger and stronger and faster and faster. We went immediately to the hospital in Faro. The drive from Vilamoura took around 15 minutes.
At 00:10 I was called to go inside and take the luggage. Belinda was already with 7 cm dilation and the delivery work was starting. No time for the epidural.
Check with me all the crazy hour and half that we had .
Was magical!!!
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