O Divino voo das gaivotas sobre o mar do Algarve The Divine Flight of Seagulls over the Algarve Sea

O Divino voo das gaivotas sobre o mar do Algarve. The Divine Flight of Seagulls over the Algarve Sea

Numa linda tarde de inverno enquanto fazia uma trilha em Albufeira, fui surpreendida pelo voo fantástico das gaivotas sobre o mar. Parecia cena de um lindo filme. Foi um dia crível!

On a beautiful winter afternoon while hiking in Albufeira, I was surprised by the fantastic flight of seagulls over the sea. It looked like a scene from a beautiful movie. His singing soothed my soul. It was a believable day!

Link do vídeo: https://youtu.be/6l5Ba8DykzQ
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