The Distinguished Gentleman's Ride | Algarve

O MAR Shopping Algarve voltou a apoiar o Distinguished Gentleman's Ride ALGARVE e, mais uma vez, desenvolver a campanha “Prevent it like a Gentleman”, de rastreio e de sensibilização para o combate aos problemas de saúde masculina.
Entre 10 de setembro e 20 de outubro, o MAR Shopping Algarve, em parceria com a Clínica HPA (inserida no centro comercial), promoveu um rastreio gratuito, aberto à população, realizado através de análise sanguínea.

A 29 de setembro, Faro e o MAR Shopping Algarve foram o ponto de paragem do Distinguished Gentleman's Ride ALGARVE e das centenas de distintos cavalheiros (e senhoras), vestidos a rigor, nas suas motos clássicas ou vintage - um desfile temático que pretende combater estereótipos, colocar a comunidade em contacto com os motociclistas e celebrar a arte e o estilo.
MAR Shopping Algarve has once again supported Distinguished Gentleman's Ride ALGARVE and, once again, has developed the “Prevent it like a Gentleman” campaign for screening and raising awareness to combat male health problems.

Between September 10 and October 20, MAR Shopping Algarve, in partnership with the HPA Clinic (inserted in the shopping center), promoted a free screening, open to the population, performed through blood analysis.

On September 29, Faro and MAR Shopping Algarve were the stopping point for Distinguished Gentleman's Ride ALGARVE and hundreds of distinguished gentlemen (and ladies) dressed up in their classic or vintage bikes - a thematic parade that aims to combat stereotypes. , get the community in touch with motorcyclists and celebrate art and style.
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