Brindisi Italy - Brindisi, UNLB&UNICC - Brando Garcia

Hi, this is a video I edit using some images obtained from Google Earth in order to show the beautiful italian city of Brindisi were my wife and I are going to live as well as the United Nations Logistics Base and the Intenational Computing Centre (UNICC), the place were we are going to work. Why the UNLB and the UNICC? Quite simple, I believe that everyone has a purpose in this life and mine is to make of this a peaceful world and it's precisely in the UNLB where this can be achieved. What's a peaceful world? Simple, it isn't just a world without war, it's a world where the things we all have in common matter much more than those which seem to separate us. A world where each and every single creature is respected and loved by what it is. Rocks, plants, humans, insects, animals, rivers, etc., we all are the same: Sons of the Earth. A world where such words as global warming, pollution, hate, racism, discrimination, war, envy, segregation, greed, hungry, selfishness, thirst, poverty, cruelty, violence, extinction, sufering, torture, etc are not longer used and can only be found in history books. A world of love, awareness, equality, human rights, sustainability, diplomacy, conscience, flora and fauna rights, kindness, empathy, respect, education, health, partnership, joy, development, understanding, pardon, science, faith and true human beings. C'est a dire... A world of PEACE ***************** Images: Google Earth Music: Time to say goodbye - Andrea Bocelli Location...
Brindisi, Italia, United, Nations, Logistics, Base, International, Computing, Centre, ICC, UNLB, Brando, Garcia, World, Peace, Google, Earth, Photos, Andrea, Bocelli
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