
VisitEurope.PT Coimbra Portugal - Universidade de Coimbra (Portugal)

jorgetavares.planetaclix.pt Universidade de Coimbra (Portugal) It is one of the oldest universities in continuous operation in Europe and the world, the oldest university of Portugal, and one of its largest higher education and research institutions. It is organized into eight different faculties according to a wide range of fields, granting all the highest academic degrees in architecture, education, engineering, humanities, law, mathematics, medicine, natural sciences, psychology, social sciences and sports. It is a founding member of the Coimbra Group, a group of leading European research universities, whose inaugural meeting it hosted. The University of Coimbra has over 21000 students, and hosts one of the largest communities of international students in Portugal, being the most cosmopolitan Portuguese university. Coimbra é uma cidade portuguesa, capital do Distrito de Coimbra, principal cidade da região Centro de Portugal e situada na subregião do Baixo Mondego, em 2007 uma estimativa apontava para cerca de 137.000 habitantes no seu concelho. Cidade historicamente de estudantes, conta actualmente com perto de 30 mil estudantes, grande parte dos mesmos de fora, somando-se ainda cerca de 45 a 48 mil entradas de população que reside em concelhos periféricos, resulta uma população flutuante de aproximadamente 212.000 pessoas. Coimbra is a city and a municipality in Portugal, former capital of the country during the first dynasty period (12th century) and home to the...
Central (Centro)
jorge, tavares, portugal, coimbra, universisade, mondego, rio, história, biblioteca, university, Portuguese, engineering, humanities, law, mathematics, medicine, natural, sciences, psychology, social, sports
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