
VisitPorto.COM - Porto (1990) - Portugal - http://jorgetavares.planetaclix.pt

Slideshow, video and photos JT(Porto-Portugal) jorgetavares.planetaclix.pt UNESCO World Heritage Site - is a specific site that has been nominated for the international World Heritage program administered by UNESCO. Um local denominado património mundial é reconhecido pela UNESCO (Organização das Nações Unidas para a Educação, a Ciência ea Cultura) como de mundial importância para a preservação dos patrimônios históricos e naturais de diversos países. One of Portugal's most internationally famous products, Port wine, was named after the city because it was originally shipped from the area or, more precisely, from Vila Nova de Gaia, a city just across the river which belongs to the same conurbation. The country was also named after the Latin name of this city, Portus Cale (English Port of Gaia). Porto (also Oporto) is a city in northern Portugal and is the second largest city in Portugal
North (Norte)
Porto, tourism, drivers, trips, Oporto, North, Region, Hotel, travel, Portugal, Douro, river, Valley, Port, wine, vine, jorge, tavares
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