

Minister of Sports and Tourism of Poland Kamil Bortnichuk demands to exclude Russia from the IOC and international sports federations

“We are in favor of excluding Russians from all sports federations led by the IOC until the completion of the peace process and compensations to Ukraine, so that only after compensations to Ukraine can they again qualify for participation in world sports, sports competitions. In recent years, Russia has pursued an aggressive diplomatic policy, essentially buying seats on the boards of key sports federations, as a rich sponsor with Russian capital followed the candidate. Therefore, the exclusion of Russian capital must also come at the same time. it is necessary to separate the issue of representatives of Russia and Russians playing, for example, in the football Premier League. it's harder to regulate. we will confine ourselves to recommendations here. my position, as well as the position of ministers from Great Britain, the USA, Australia, is such that sometimes these authorities from the world of sports speak without representing Russia, Their speech can be made dependent on their clear position in the context of what is happening in Ukraine. this may have more positive consequences than the complete exclusion of all Russians from the opportunity to play sports".

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