कर रही थी आखिरी क्लिक का इंतजार, सेल्फी ने ली इनकी जान

मौत कर रही थी आखिरी क्लिक का इंतजार, सेल्फी ने ली इनकी जान

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In Venice Dam, Nagpur, eight people died while taking selfies on Sunday. According to the police, 11 people were walking on a boat and roaming in the dam. During this time some youths started taking dancing and singing, due to which the boat's balance was spoiled and the accident took place. However, this is not the only case. Even before that selfie has killed many people. Today we are going to tell you about 7 such cases. Due to the death of Kapal's selfie ...

The Cabo de Roca of Portugal is quite popular for the city tourists. Every year many tourists visit and take selfies to see the beauty here. Some time ago a couple from Poland came to roam around here. While both were taking selfies while having fun, their feet slumped and they died after falling into a deep gorge about 100 meters below.

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