
পোল্যান্ড- বিয়ে ছাড়াই নারী-পুরুষের মেলামেশা পানির মতো সহজ !! Poland Amazing Facts in Bangla |

The history of Poland (Polish: Historia Polski) spans over a thousand years, from medieval tribes, Christianization and monarchy; through Poland's Golden Age, expansionism and becoming one of the largest European powers; to its collapse and partitions, two world wars, communism, and the restoration of democracy.

পোল্যান্ড- বিয়ে ছাড়াই নারী-পুরুষের মেলামেশা পানির মতো সহজ !! Poland Amazing Facts in Bangla |

Poles wear modern Western-style clothing and generally dress conservatively. As a rule, women do not wear pants. ... Traditional dress in Poland varies by region. Headresses range from hats to wreathes of flowers, fabric colors vary greatly, and aprons, vests, and ribbons are used depending upon the origin of the costume.

Poland is a safe country to travel to. It is getting more and more visitors each year, and its tourism has generally increased especially after joining the European Union in 2004. However, petty crime has also increased with the influx of tourists.
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[ ভিডিওতে ব্যবহৃত সকল ফুটেজের কপিরাইট পলিটিকো বাংলা সংরক্ষণ করে। যেকোন ধরণের অপব্যবহার করা হলে আইনানুগ ব্যবস্থা গ্রহণ করা হবে ]
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