⁴ᴷ Regular day in KATOWICE 2020 ???????? - Polish Vacation - Walking tour Poland 4K - Virtual tour P

#WalkingTourPoland #VirtualTourPoland #HolidaysInPoland #PolishVacation
Keywords: Holidays in Poland - Polish Vacation - Walking tour 4K - Walking tour Poland - Katowice 2020 - Górny Śląsk - Polish Holidays - Virtual tour Poland

Virtual walk showing how regular day in KATOWICE looks like ????????
Record date: August 2020

*********WALKING TOUR*********
Katowice is a city in southern Poland, the capital city of the Silesian Region, and a center of the Upper Silesia and Dąbrowa Basin Metropolis. With the population of 292,774 (as of 2019), it is the eleventh-largest city in Poland. The wider Katowice urban area has the population of approximately 2 to 3 million people.

Katowice is a center of science, culture, industry, business, trade, and transportation in Upper Silesia and southern Poland, and the main city in the Upper Silesian Industrial Region. Katowice lies within an urban zone, with a population of 2,746,460 according to Eurostat, and also part of the wider Silesian metropolitan area, with a population of 5,008,000 according to the Brookings Institutionor 5,294,000 according to the European Spatial Planning Observation Network.

Today, the city is considered as an emerging metropolis. The whole metropolitan area is the 16th most economically powerful city by GDP in the European Union with an output amounting to $114.5 billion.

Katowice is the seat of the Polish National Radio Symphony and Orchestra. It also hosts the finals of Intel Extreme Masters, an Esports video game tournament. In 2015, Katowice joined the UNESCO Creative Cities Network and was named a UNESCO City of Music.

Source: https://t.ly/1WBC


Polish Shops:
???? GOPRO 8 BLACK - https://t.ly/2WfX
???? WIND SHIELD/GUARD - https://t.ly/dQoN
????????‍♂️ CHEST MOUNT - https://t.ly/OKHL
???? SUCTION CUP (for car footage) - https://t.ly/ELkT


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