
✈️ Travel to Costa Rica ???????? Border Open Aug. 7 UPDATE Insurance Requirement Change

#CostaRica #openingborders #borderrestrictions Info '✈️ Travel to Costa Rica ???????? Border Open Aug. 7 Insurance Requirement Change' Costa Rica opened it's border (San Jose Airport) Aug. 2nd to Canada, the UK and the EU. Travel restrictions/requirements are below. After 5 days Costa Rica has now changed the 'travel insureance' requirement. Before, you had to purchase the insurance from Costa Rica (INS). Now toursits are able to purchase their own travelers insurance as long as it meets the below requirements. People who enter Costa Rica on a tourist visa must obtain a travel insurance policy. This can be a policy that has been pre-approved by the General Superintendence of Insurance (SUGESE), or it can be a foreign policy that meets certain requirements.

Costa Rica Tourism Board (ICT) is responsible for verifying that visitors’ foreign policies comply with the requirements. This verification process will eventually be digital; however, *until the digital process is implemented, ICT staff will conduct this verification step upon arrival at the airport.

For tourists, there are three requirements for entering Costa Rica-

1. Tourists can only enter Costa Rica via a flight from an authorized country. One of these-
Germany, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Estonia, Finland, France, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Lithuania, Liechtenstein, Latvia, Luxembourg, Malta, Norway, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, United Kingdom, Czech Republic, Sweden, Switzerland.
**People from the United States are NOT allowed at this time, unless they have spent 14 days in a country that is approved.(easier said than done.)

2.Starting immediately, international tourists entering the country will be allowed to do so with a travel insurance policy that meets the following requirements:

The policy is valid throughout their scheduled visit to Costa Rica.
It covers medical expenses in Costa Rica related to COVID-19 of at least $50,000.
It includes a minimum coverage of $2,000 for accommodation expenses related to COVID-19.

This new information will be publicized via Costa Rica’s embassies and consulates. ICT will also detail the process on its website, www.visitcostarica.com.

“Starting today, there are a variety of options and prices, thus attending to the concerns of the tourism sector and our own concerns regarding the cost for international tourists when visiting the country in times of pandemic,” said Gustavo Segura, Tourism Minister.

The Costa Rica Insurance can be found here if you're not going to purchase your own- https://cotiza.ins-cr.com/frmDatosIncluir.aspx?P=431 (If that link doesn’t work, click here- https://cotiza.ins-cr.com/ and follow the link for “Seguro de Viajeros.”)

*ONE of my viewers recommended this site to find decent prices on travellers insurance- *Check it out for yourself *at your own risk- https://www.squaremouth.com/

3. A negative coronavirus test. The sample for the test must be taken 48 hours (maximum) before the passenger departs for Costa Rica.

4. Complete the digital epidemiological form- found here- https://ccss.now.sh/

*It's important to note that tourists must upload the result of their negative Covid test (as a PDF or JPG) as part of the epidemiological form.

What about Costa Ricans and their spouses?
If the couple returns on a repatriation flight, the same requirement applies to both: They don’t have to purchase insurance or show a negative test result, but they will have to complete a 14-day home isolation.

If the couple is visiting the country, but do not live in Costa Rica (for instance, an Italian spouse of a Costa Rican who live in Italy), they must fulfill the requirements as if they were entering as tourists.

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Hope you found this video, ✈️ Travel to Costa Rica ???????? Border Open Aug. 7 Insurance Requirement Change' helpful. Hope to see you soon in Costa Rica.
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