???????? How Much Was A Dental Visit In Poland? | Would I Recommend Dental Tourism | What was differ

Prices at the bottom of this description

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=====TIME STAMPS=====
0:02 Half of my face is numb from the anesthetic
0:25 I talk about my gorgeous Polish dentist and her cute assistant
0:55 Shout out to my dad
1:08 I talk about my seductive Polish dentist
1:42 I talk about how I filled out no paperwork before work was done
2:46 Polish double bus with four doors passes by
2:50 I talk about how the new dentist couldn't spot a 10 year old inlay
3:26 I walk by Warsaw University where all the cute college girls are
3:40 I talk about how it is inappropriate to pick up on girls you don't know
5:28 I discuss that in Polish culture, you do not talk to strangers
6:13 I talk about LukeLifeCharms's take on making human contact
6:50 I talk about the miss perception that Eastern Europeans are unhappy
6:55 I realized that I've been drooling this whole time
7:20 I talk about how Polish people do not smile for no reason
7:55 I talk about how awkward it is to have gorgeous women as dentists
8:10 Shout out to Lydia
9:10 I apologize to Doctor Holly Nguyen again for cheating on her
9:26 I talk about Poland's Vietnamese population
9:50 I talk about the Vietnamese and Polish mafias
10:18 I apologize for burping all over my dentist and her assistant
10:48 I talk about the relaxed safety regulations at Polish dentists

One filling with anesthetics: 160zł ($40)
Teeth cleaning: 220zł ($55)

#expat #TEFL #Poland
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