
10 Most Amazing Places That Actually Exist

10 Most Amazing Places That Actually Exist

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10 Most Amazing Places That Actually Exist
There are places in this world that are beyond phenomenal. These places are some of the most unique attractions that tourists flock to see. Some of them glow in their peak seasons bringing forth breathtaking natural colors and views. These places look unreal but they actually exist! We’ve sampled for you the 10 most amazing places that actually exist. Let’s begin, shall we?
10. The Eye of Africa, Mauritania

This beautiful planet Earth created the Eye of Africa in the Sahara Desert, Beautifully visible from space! The Eye of Africa is a huge rock formation whose origins are still mysterious. It’s also called the Richat structure. From a birds-eye view, the structure looks like a large target with a winding wind feature formation. It even resembles an eye in the heart of the Sahara desert! It’s naturally breathtaking. The Richat structure is 50 km in diameter! It’s a landmark for astronauts! How cool is that? The Eye of Africa is composed of quartzite rocks. The rocks are arranged in concentric circles which are made up of valleys and ridges. People believed the Eye of Africa was caused by a meteor. Although it’s now believed to be formed by uplifted rocks that were later shaped through wind and water erosion over a long period of time. The Richat structure is surrounded by sand dunes with its highest peak measuring about 485 m above sea level.
9. Cano Cristales River, Columbia.

The Cano Cristales is the most beautiful river in the world! It looks like a fairytale, a place out of this world! Cano Cristales is located in the Serrania de la Macarena National Park in Colombia. This river was definitely created on its own day because its colors are incredible! It's referred to as the liquid rainbow, and some people also called it the river of five colors! This river produces vibrant rainbow colors that you can’t find in any other river on earth! The red algae that gives this river its incredible color flourishes at its peak between July and October, making it the best time to visit. Other than red, you get to enjoy yellow, green among other colors. The Cano Cristales is a fast current boasting its gorgeous colors on rapids, waterfalls, and circular pits and holes.
8. The Cave of The Crystal, Mexico

Can you believe that Mexico has a natural marvel hidden deep under the Naica Mountain? Well, let me tell you about it. The Cave of the Crystals is connected at a depth of 300m to the Naica Mine. The crystal cave was initially discovered by miners after pumping water out of a 10 by 30 m cave. This action revealed the largest crystals ever seen. They’re translucent beams of gypsum, measuring up to 11m. They also weigh up to 55 tons. Where else in the world or the planet would a mineral reveal itself in such beauty? It’s believed that the water-rich minerals enabled the crystals to grow to such proportions. After the cave was discovered, it became open to visitors. Inside the crystal cave, the temperatures are very high! A visitor would only spend up to 10 minutes inside because it was so uncomfortable. Later on, the Crystal Cave became flooded and indefinitely closed to visitors.
7. The Crooked Forest, Poland

The Crooked Forest absolutely looks like it came straight from a movie series. A few kilometers outside Gryfino town in Poland, sits this amazing natural wonder. The Crooked Forest is famous for its trees. It has about 400 pine trees growing crookedly! What makes this forest amazing is that all of these pine trees have a 90-degree curve at their bases. In addition, all the pine tree curves are facing North! From the bases, the curve is a C shape, and measures between 3 to 9 ft, after that the pine trees grow straight to heights of up to 50 ft tall and healthy trees. These curves on the trees are very smooth and not gnarled as though they have a genetic mutation. It’s even strange that all the pine trees in this forest have the same pattern. They’re really uniform! People have come up with various theories explaining why. The most famous theory is that there is a gravitational pull in this forest that’s very unique, causing the curve at the same certain spot for all the trees.
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