
100 Polish travel words - TRAVEL AND TOURISM - Polish words in pictures

We have prepared for you boards with 100 Polish words about travel and tourism. Words in pictures are a very enjoyable form of learning. You can turn on our movie and repeat the words you see on the screen after the teacher. Pictures will help you remember the meanings of words. This is an excellent learning method, especially for visual learners. Polish words in pictures about tourism will be useful when traveling to Poland, but it's also a great travel vocabulary lesson for those who are learning Polish. From our video, you will learn, among other things, what words are used at the airport, in a hotel, or while driving around Poland.


Below you will find a translation of the words you will hear in the video.

Holiday 0:00
Winter break 0:06
Tour 0:12
Traveling 0:18
Sightseeing 0:24
Plane 0:31
Flight 0:39
Airline 0:45
Security control 0:52
Flight attendant 1:00
Ticket inspector 1:08
Train 1:15
Compartment 1:21
Carriage 1:28
Bus 1:35
Car 1:41
Ship 1:47
Bike 1:53
Boat 1:59
Kayak 2:04
Tram 2:11
Taxi 2:17
Ferry 2:23
Passport 2:29
Abroad 2:35
Platform 2:41
Airport 2:49
Gate 2:55
Check-in 3:02
Departure hall 3:09
Boarding pass 3:16
Duty-free zone 3:23
Window seat 3:32
Cruise 3:39
Car park 3:46
Bus stop 3:52
Travel agency 4:00
Car rental 4:07
Tourist 4:15
Sea 4:22
Mountains 4:28
Lake 4:34
Road 4:41
River 4:45
Tourist information 4:51
Country 4:59
Hotel room 5:05
Guide 5:11
Ticket 5:17
Ticket office 5:28
Camping area 5:35
Tent 5:41
Caravan 5:47
Sleeping bag 5:54
RV 5:59
Single room 6:06
Double room 6:12
Museum 6:18
Cathedral 6:24
Monument 6:30
Castle 6:37
Restaurant 6:43
Coffeehouse 6:49
Hotel 6:55
Check-in 7:01
Check out 7:08
Reception 7:14
Mountain hike 7:21
Mountain trail 7:27
Hut 7:34
Hitch-hiking 7:40
Luggage 7:46
Hand luggage 7:52
Arrival 7:58
Backpack 8:04
Bag 8:09
Reservation 8:15
Crew 8:21
Souvenirs 8:27
Beach 8:33
Pool 8:38
Insurance 8:43
Diving 8:51
Amusement park 8:56
City ​​center 9:03
Bill 9:10
Tip 9:16
Island 9:23
Luggage storage 9:28
Food 9:36
Sailboat 9:42
Yacht 9:47
Passenger 9:53
Statue 9:59
Map 10:05
Tourist attractions 10:10
Direction 10:17
Currency 10:23
Timetable 10:28

See also:
- RESTAURANT - Easy Polish Conversation in the Restaurant - Polish for Beginners

100 Polish words - FOOD (vocabulary) - Polish words in pictures ????????????

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