
10+1 Questions – Episode 2: Prof. Orly Lobel (University of San Diego)

Welcome to 10+1 Questions: Real Life in Academia!

A new talkshow in which we ask some of the scholars we admire the most about their careers, the best pieces of advice they have received, and the tips and tricks that explain their professional success.

Our talkshow looks into some of the perhaps invisible sides of academia. Beyond the pressure to obtain a tenure-track job, write grants, and publish, we try to get to know *the person* writing the books and articles that you are reading, how they manage their time, who has inspired them and what their regrets are!

Our guest:
- Prof. Orly Lobel, Warren Distinguished Professor of Law at the University of San Diego – https://www.sandiego.edu/law/faculty/biography.php?profile_id=2844 & https://www.orlylobel.com​ (@OrlyLobel)

About us:
- Prof. Sofia Ranchordas, Professor of Public Law and a Rosalind Franklin Fellow at the Faculty of Law of the University of Groningen in the Netherlands – https://www.sofiaranchordas.com​​​ (@SRanchordas)
- Dr. Volker Stocker – Economist and Internet Researcher, Head of Research Group "Work and Cooperation in the Sharing Economy" at the Weizenbaum Institute and a Postdoctoral Researcher at TU Berlin – http://volkerstocker.net​​​ (@volker_stocker)

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