2022 Recession? Europe, Hungary Inflation, food price, fuel shortages. My view.

It's been a while since the price of everything had soared. With already the aftermath of the pandemic, and natural disasters like drought, heat waves, and floods to deal with, we are facing trade wars, actual wars and trade restrictions and various new "regulations" that don't seem to help. I don't know how the world and the people are doing, so I thought I'd share my own perspective about the ongoing issues, and hopefully stir up some discussions about it, coz I believe sharing our opinions can definitely provide some insight into the current situation so that we react or come up with some coping mechanism to the change, or at least not be numb about it because no one is talking about it openly.

自从所有东西的价格飙升以来已经有一段时间了。 疫情过后,我们还要处理干旱、热浪、洪水等自然灾害,我们还面临着贸易战、实际战争和贸易限制以及各种似乎无济于事的新“规定”。 我不知道世界人们目前的情况,所以我想我会分享我对当前问题的看法,并希望能引发一些关于它的讨论,因为我相信分享我们的观点肯定可以为当前的情况提供一些见解,以便我们对变化做出反应或提出一些应对机制,或者至少不要因为没有人公开谈论它而对它麻木。
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