
41st Annual PZU Marathon in Warsaw, Poland (Part 1) - Zhiyun Smooth 4 Goes Limp Mid-Recording

This was literally the second shot I'd ever attempted in selfie vlogging. The first video I shot, I was denied uploading by someone else who was in it. This was more of a test shot and sound test. Future videos will be better. Obiecuję ^_^ v

::: UPDATE :::

The Zhiyun Smooth 4 has a weight limit of 210 grams and needs to be balanced. I am using a phone that is slightly overweight and extra long which further throws the gimbol off balance. This is entirely my fault and not that of Zhiyun as they were very clear about this in their product brochure. I was actually fully aware of this and bought the phone anyways because I'm a gangsta.

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