
5 Unheard Facts about Poland | Unrevealed Facts #visaleets #unrevealedfacts89 #polandfacts

Hello everyone! Welcome to the world of unrevealed facts.
We are back again to reveal the facts about a country that is culturally rich and boast of Europe’s amazing mammals, tricky language and is home to beautiful, splendid forests.

The country we have on our top list today is Poland. The ninth-largest nation in Europe is home to more than 38 million inhabitants and that makes it the 37th most populous country in the world.

Before we reveal the 5 most enticing facts about Poland, if you are new here; do subscribe to our channel for the latest videos and notifications. Also, follow us on Instagram at Unrevealedfacts89.

Let’s get into it one by one…

1) Poland has a tricky language:

Contrary to English which consists of 26 letters; Polish incorporates 32 letters and it is an incredibly difficult language to learn and speak especially for non-natives. Thanks to complex grammar, difficult pronunciation and lot many exceptions to the single rule in its format. Even the natives find it hard to speak it with 100% accuracy. Sounds Crazy! Now that you know, do check online classes for fun learning.

2) Europe’s Heaviest Animals Live in Poland:

Poland has rich wildlife. It is home to one of the ancient and largest primaeval forest wherein lives the national animal of the country named the European Bison. European Bison are the biggest and heaviest land animal species in Europe. Nearly 25% of the world’s total population of these species lives in Poland.

3) Polish men kiss women on hands:

You might find it funny and surprising, but Polish men greet a woman by kissing their hand. Yes! That’s how Poles do it. Out of the plenty ways of saying hello, Polish men kiss women on hands and they consider it as a symbol of respect and friendship. People find it fashionable to follow ‘The chivalry Protocol’. Don’t be astounded to experience this upon your first visit to Poland.

4) Poland’s land is full of diversity:

The breathtaking beaches, lakes, splendid forests, chain of mighty peaks and stunning deserts add to the rich land diversity of Poland. In fact, the tremendous diversity of the country makes Poland a major tourist attraction worldwide.

5) Only in Poland can you go to Hel(l) and back again in a day:

Surrounded by Baltic Sea from three sides emerges a narrow strip of land better known as Hel Peninsula. The breathtaking beauty of this peninsula invites thousands of tourists every year. Because of its easy proximity and name, there is a saying that goes like “only in Poland can you go to Hel(l) and back again in a day”.

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Thanks for checking out this video. I am sure Poland’s hidden treasure must have satisfied your travel hunger.

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