
6 Useless Things I Brought to Europe, BUT NEVER NEEDED

When I moved to Europe, I tried to pack things I would need, but here are 6 things I could have just left in Florida, USA!

So my question for you is: What have you brought to another country or another city, thinking you would need it, but you didn’t?

Watch More:
Tips for First Time Travelers: https://youtu.be/2UJjs8OX4sY
Q&A American Living in Germany: https://youtu.be/yBDrU2TcqkM

Listen More:
Shout-out to The Bittersweet Life podcast, two Americans talking about life abroad in Rome, Italy. Great episode a little related to this video, where they talk about the dumbest thing they ever traveled with: http://www.thebittersweetlife.net/podcast/episode-142-hat-box/

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