72 HOURS in Cesky Krumlov (Part 1)

Most people visit Cesky Krumlov in 1 day. We decided to spend there 72 hours. Was it worth it?

Cesky Krumlov is one of the most beautiful Czech towns. Being located only a few hours away from Prague by train, it is one of the most popular destinations for a 1 day trip out of Prague. In this video, you will learn what is there to see in Cesky Krumlov, where to stay, and what to eat and drink. And of course, since Valery is a tour guide, she won't spare you some fun history facts. #travelvlogs #czechrepublic #travel #realpragueguides

0:00 - Intro, Arriving to Cesky Krumlov
1:13 - 1st Dinner & Eggenberg Beer
1:51 - Hotel Room Tour
3:25 - 1st Full Day of Exploring Cesky Krumlov
4:08 - Coffee Break at Kolektiv Cafe
4:39 - Visiting Latran
5:15 - Cesky Krumlov Castle, Museum & Tour
8:28 - Lunch at Italian Restaurant
8:57 - Climbing the castle tower
10:11 - Views and Gardens
11:29 - Revolving Theatre
12:26 - Sunset View of Cesky Krumlov
12:44 - Creepy Legend
15:06 - 1st full day is over, we managed quite a lot

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Tours we do in Prague
Free Old Town, Jewish Quarter and Charles Bridge Tour

Free Prague Castle Tour

Free WW2 Tour

Prague Castle Tour with Tickets Included
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