For decades, A Foreign Affair (Loveme.com) continues to assist couples in meeting through international matchmaking and dating events held all around the globe. With many men seeking a traditionally feminine woman, more than ever, bachelors are ditching dating apps in favor of real face to face interactions with women from around the world.

In Ukraine, prior to the war ravaging the nation, foreigners frequently would dream of romantic connections with Slavic women, whom many consider to be the epitome of femininity in all of the world. For men seeking to guaranty a match with traditionally feminine women, traveling to Ukraine once ranked high on the bachelor's bucket list, especially for men who seeking a traditional wife to start a family with.

In the United States, many bachelors begin to adopt alternative mindsets towards domestic dating like MGTOW or Red Pill philosophies which often swear off relationships with women for the long term. Within the MGTOW / Red Pill lifestyles, men often yearn for a tradwife, which they phrase as a traditional wife. While many in the MGTOW / Red Pill lifestyle have abandoned relationships forever, more men begin looking overseas to find that tradwife that they consider elusive in domestic dating.

A Foreign Affair (LoveMe.com) reviews all participants in the service prior to their inclusion, which requires that all parties have the stated purpose of finding lasting love through the matchmakers. While simply working with AFA matchmakers cannot guaranty a match, many who dream of lasting connections have found their forever through speed dating overseas with cupid at their side, in the form of an AFA matchmaker.
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