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The capital occupies a privileged position as each country is represented by one capital in most cases, where it may be represented by more than one capital, and the capital is an administrative center for government and politics, as decisions are taken in it, as it may be one of the large cities in some countries, and in Other countries may take the same country as their capital.
The smallest capitals in the world One of the smallest capital cities in terms of size in the world: [4] Vatican City (English: Vatican City): The Vatican is the smallest country in the world, with an area of ​​approximately 0.44 square kilometers, and inhabited by a small number of residents, whose number reaches to 1000 people. Funafuti (English: Funafuti): The capital, Funafuti, is the largest city in Tuvalu, with an area of ​​approximately 2.33 square kilometers, and a population of 6000 people, occupying more than half of the population of Tuvalu. San Marino (English: San Marino): The capital, San Marino, is a small republic, with a length of 13 km, and the shape of the capital appears as an irregular rectangle, and it includes important an Capitals of coues Capitals of countries of the world All countries of the world Its capitals are the capital. The capital occupies a privileged position, as each country is represented by one capital in most cases, where it can be represented by more than one capital. And in other countries, the country may take itself as its capital.[1][2] Capitals of the world’s countries The following table includes the names of the capitals state Kabul Afghanistan Jerusalem Palestine Cape Town, Pretoria , Bloemfontein South Africa Tirana Albania Algeria Algeria Andorra La Villa Andorra Luanda Angola St John's Antigua and Barbuda Buenos Aires Argentina Yerevan Armenia Canberra Australia Vienna Austria Baku Azerbaijan Nassau Bahamas Manama Bahrain Dhaka Bangladesh Bridgetown Barbados Minsk Belarus Brussels Belgium Belmopan Belize Porto-Novo Benin Thimphu Bhutan Sucre Bolivia Sarajevo Bosnia and Herzegovina Gaborone Botswana Brasilia Brazil Bandar Seri Begawan Brunei Sofia Bulgaria Ouagadougou Burkina Faso Gitega Burundi Phnom Penh Cambodia Yaounde Cameroon Ottawa Canada Praia Cape Verde Bangui Republic of China Beijing Central Republic Beijing Colombia Moroni Comoros Kinshasa Democratic Republic of the Congo Brazzaville Republic of the Congo San Jose Costa Rica Yamoussoukro Ivory Coast Zagreb Croatia Havana Cuba Nicosia Cyprus Prague Czech Republic Copenhagen Denmark Djibouti Djibouti Rosso Dominica Santo Domingo Dominican Republic Santo Dominican Republic El Salvador El Salvador Egypt Eritrea Tallinn Estonia Addis Ababa Ethiopia Suva Fiji Helsinki Finland Paris France Libreville Gabon Banjul Gambia Tbilisi Georgia Berlin Germany Accra Ghana Athens Greece Saint George Grenada Guatemala Guatemala Conakry Guinea-Bissau Guinea-Bissau Georgetown Guyana Port-au-Prince Haiti Tegucigalpa Hindu Ras Budapest Hungary (Hungary) Reykjavik Iceland New Delhi India Jakarta Indonesia Tehran Iran Baghdad Iraq Dublin Ireland Rome Italy Kingston Jamaica Tokyo Tokyo Japan Amman Jordan Astana Kazakhstan Nairobi Kenya Tarawa Atoll Kiribati Pyongyang North Korea Seoul South Korea Pristina Kosovoorg Kuwaitis La Regina Bishkek Beirut Lebanon Maseru Lesotho Monrovia Liberia Tripoli Libya Vaduz Liechtenstein Vilnius Lithuania Luxembourg Luxembourg Skopje Macedonia Antananarivo Madagascar Lilongwe Malawi Kuala Lumpur Malaysia Male Maldives Bamako Mali Valletta Malta Majuro Marshall Islands Nouakchott Louis Mauretania Mongory Monrovia Portico Kiiran Mongolia Mongoria Kiiru Kiiru Rabat Morocco Maputo Mozambique Rangoon Myanmar Windhoek Namibia Yarin (not an official capital) Naro Kathmandu Nepal Amsterdam Netherlands Wellington New Zealand Managua Nicaragua Niamey Niger Abuja Nigeria Oslo Norway Muscat Sultanate of Oman Islamabad Pakistan Melkiuk Palau Panama Panama Port Mo Resby Papua New Guinea Asuncion Paraguay Lima Peru Manila Philippines Warsaw Poland Lisbon Portugal Doha Qatar Bucharest Romania Moscow Russia Kigali Rwanda Pasteur Saint Kitts and Nevis Castries Saint Lucia Kingstown Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Abia Samoa San Marino San Marino Sao Tome Sao Tome and Principe Riyadh Dakar Saudi Arabia Belgrade Serbia Victoria Seychelles Freetown Sierra Leone Singapore Singapore Bratislava Slovakia Ljubljana Slovenia Honiara Solomon Islands Mogadishu Somalia Juba South Sudan Madrid Spain Colombo Sri Lanka Khartoum Sudan Paramaribo Suriname Mbabane Swaziland Stockholm Sweden Bern Switzerland Damascus Syria Taipei Taiyun Dushanbe Tajikistan Bangkok Thailand Bangkok Dar es Salaam of Spain Trinidad and Tobago Tunisia Tunisia Ankara Turkey Ashgabat Turkmenistan Funafuti Tuvalu Kampala Uganda Kyiv Ukraine Abu Dhabi United Arab Emirates London United Kingdom Washington USA Montevideo Uruguay Tashkent Uzbekistan Port Vila Vanuatu Caracas Vietnam Venezuela Sun Hanoi Yemen Lusaka Zambia Harare Zimbabwe Vatican City
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