
Backpacking around Europe

I am releasing the first video about me and my first trip ever!

There, I will tell you how we managed to cross 13 countries without paying for either accomodation or transportation ✌️ Our budget at that time was $1500 for 3 months for 2 of us. Needless to say we didn't get to bring any home ????

But those times were great! That was the trip that made me fall in love with traveling.

In summer 2018, we visited Georgia, Turkey, Greece, Macedonia, Albania, Montenegro, Croatia, Bosnia, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Moldova and Transnistria. All by hitchhiking, camping and simply walking ????

Most of those borders were crossed on foot! And without any documents but our passports. Only once my husband needed to get a visa for Turkey and it took him 15 min and $30.

I don't know how much you have traveled in your life or what your plans are, but I would be interested to know if you guys are traveling nowadays, where and why ????

As I am more active on Instagram, here is the link to my profile:


And here is the link to my Couchsurfing profile as well:


Feel free to drop me a message if you wanna know anything specific about traveling ☺️

P.S. There is a typo in my video, instead of 'Dudrovnik' it should have been DuBrovnik (lo siento, amigos, I am too cansada to wait for it to render again)

Have an awesome day everyone!

#yellitravel #travelingduringcovid #traveltheworld #myfirsttrip #triparoundEurope #travelingineurope
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