
Best Things to do in Kraków Poland | Ferris wheel | Observation Balloon | Hala Forum | Poland Vlogs

Hello everyone,
I will definitely recommends this viewpoint.
Things you can see in this point are:

1) "Cracow eye” Ferris wheel.

Create unforgettable memories and take a ride on the “Cracow eye” Ferris Wheel! This observation wheel in Krakow has become one of the city’s top attractions! The height of the wheel is 50 meters. It guarantees an incredible panoramic view of the city including Wawel Castle, the old town or even the Kosciuszko mound. The observation wheel is the perfect combination of thrill and opportunity to admire the beauty of Krakow. You won’t regret taking a ride on the „Cracow Eye”.

Price were : 35 PLZ for adult and 25 for kids above 2 years and free for kids below 2years.(prices might varies according to the seasons)

2) Observation Balloon.

For thrilling panoramic views, take a scenic lift in this massive colour-changing balloon tethered to the riverbank directly in front of Forum Przestrzenie (and thus ruining the atmosphere and views of that venue in no small part; oops). Rising to a height of up to 150 metres, the platform holds up to 30 people at a time, all of whom have about 10-12mins to snap some photos from what's undeniably the best viewpoint in Kraków (non-drone division)

3) Hala Forum.

The Forum Hall in the legendary Forum Hotel features 10 extraordinary restaurants, a café, a music club, a huge event space, two concert halls, an open-air stage, a summer cinema, a fan zone and – most importantly – the best view in town.

4) Breathtaking River side view:
With boat rides, resturants and hotels.

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with love
Geet :)
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