
Big Cats finalists in the 2020 Indlovu River Lodge Wildlife Photography Competition

Visit Indlovu River Lodge: https://www.irl.co.za/

Here are the five finalists who entered the Big Cats theme in March as part of the 2020 Indlovu River Lodge Wildlife Photography Competition. They now qualify for the grand prize - a four-night photographic safari for two to Indlovu River Lodge later this year - which will be chosen by The Safari Expert, Villiers Steyn, in early August 2020.

The theme for April is Black & White, so enter your wildlife photographs now by visiting the Indlovu River Lodge Big 5 Photographic Game Reserve Facebook Page and posting your images in the comments section of the original Black & White theme post! You may enter as many photos as you want and you don't have to resize them or remove your watermark. They may also be taken anywhere in the world. Just remember to:
1) LIKE the Indlovu River Lodge Big 5 Photographic Game Reserve Facebook Page;
2) Share the original post where people enter on your personal Facebook page; and
3) Subscribe to The Safari Expert YouTube Channel.

Good luck!

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