
Border(less) Europe – When do we go back to normal? (Subs. EN)

DIFF GOV CITY TALK: Border(less) Europe: When do we go back to normal? - Subtitled in English

Date: 30 April 2020

Borders and travels restrictions are being introduced in a pervasive manner to contain the spread of coronavirus. This includes in Europe – the continent that has been proudly border-free, owing to the Schengen zone, for three decades and reaped immense economic benefits from it. The underlying assumption is that border controls and travel bans are a temporary provision. The borders and travel restrictions within the Schengen zone ought to be lifted again once the crisis is gone. How to make sure that temporary provisions do not become permanent? What are the lessons learnt from this crisis? How to make the Schengen zone more sustainable in the future?

During this online city talk the DIFF GOV Policy Paper “Nothing but Schengen Matters: Updating Schengen: Political and Technocratic Patches” was presented.

The discussion formed a part of a bigger international project called DIFF GOV: European Governance: Potential of Differentiated Cooperation that is co-funded by Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union.

DIFF GOV explores the potential for flexible modes of cooperation between European Union member states in four areas: economic cooperation, Schengen zone, Common Security and Defence Policy, and Foreign and Neighbourhood Policy.
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