
Breaking! Wildfire Made Turkey Hell! Turkish Fighter Jets Hits Iraq!

Turkey is burning! It continues to struggle with fires in 19 different regions. It was stated that these fires were started deliberately and a detailed investigation was started for this. Fires usually occur in areas close to tourist attractions. It is said that these attacks were carried out by the Pkk. For this reason, they announced that they hit 40 Pkk positions simultaneously with forest fires. On the other hand, fires cannot be brought under control because Turkey's firefighters are not active. More than 70 forest fires broke out simultaneously in 17 different regions. People carry water to put out fires with firefighters. Ukraine and Azerbaijan announced that they would send support to Turkey. It was stated that they rented 16 firefighting planes and 3 helicopters from Russia due to Turkey's inability to use firefighting planes actively. Turkey is in a really difficult situation and new fires are added every day. Before the forest fires that broke out before can be brought under control, new ones are constantly being added. They lost a large part of their forest areas. Many countries mobilized to support Turkey.

More than 71 forest fires that broke out in at least 17 provinces of Turkey in three days between 28-30 July made people wonder if the fires were caused by sabotage. Natural causes, such as weather conditions or a campfire left behind by picnickers, are common causes of wildfires. The Minister of Agriculture and Forestry said the main reason behind the growing suspicion was fires that broke out at more than one spot at the same time and the wind did not carry them further. Speaking to the press, President of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan said, "This is not something we will ignore. After all, these are fires that broke out almost simultaneously, although they broke out in different places from Manavgat to Marmaris to Bodrum. As a result of the work of the firefighters, 57 fires were brought under control. however, fires continue at at least 1140 points.
Erdogan said a large number of planes, including those purchased from Russia and Ukraine, were sent to extinguish the fire. Add to that 38 helicopters, 9 drones, 680 water trucks and 4,000 personnel currently working to put out the fires.

Minister Pakdemirli said that the Turkish Aeronautical Association aircraft were not used to respond to fires because their capacities were insufficient. Bayram Duman, who works at the Turkish Aeronautical Association, said, "The planes are not old, the Manavgat fire would not grow if they were used. Minister of Agriculture and Forestry Bekir Pakdemirli, in a message he shared on his Twitter account on Friday," 6 aircraft, 9 unmanned aerial vehicles and an unmanned helicopter, a fire brigade. tank, 45 helicopters, more than 4,000 personnel are working, he said. Ali Öztunç, Vice President of Nature Rights, said, "We watch the same movie every year in the summer. The state cannot do the necessary work to stop forest fires.
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