Budapest Castle Hill Danube Sightseeing Night River Cruise Most Majestic Parliament House Highlight

Budapest Castle Hill, Danube Night Sightseeing River Cruise, and the World's Most Beautiful and Majestic Looking Parliament House cannot be missed when you're visiting Budapest (布达佩斯), Hungary (匈牙利) for the first time. Check out the magnificent wonders of Budapest along the mighty Danube River (多瑙河) that runs across 10 European countries originating in Germany, the Danube flows southeast for 2,850 km passing through or bordering Austria, Slovakia, Hungary, Croatia, Serbia, Romania, Bulgaria, Moldova, and Ukraine before merging into the Black Sea.

Of course, Hungary’s most iconic building is hands down goes to the magnificent House of Parliament by the river bank of the Danube. The building has been a UNESCO World Heritage site since 1987 as part of the Banks of the Danube.

Building this impressive architecture took 17 years, from 1885 to 1902, based on the design by the architect Imre Steindl. Unfortunately, the designer himself did not live to see the inauguration, since he died five weeks before the building's completion. A vital stipulation for the construction project was that only Hungarian raw materials could be used for building the Hungarian Parliament and that it must involve Hungarian craftsmen and manufacturers, right up to the flora indigenous to the Carpathian Basin used for decoration. These terms were fulfilled, with only the gigantic granite columns imported from abroad.
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