CenTour Amsterdam teaser

CEnTOUR project, financed by the EU COSME Programme, implements a capacity building and support scheme for SMEs of the tourism sector in 5 countries (Italy, Spain, Greece, Moldova and North Macedonia that will lead enterprises and their networks to reach different levels of circular economy innovations
We trained Circular economy facilitators in all five countries to support SMEs in all project activities;
We assessed SMEs' needs in terms of circular strategies and of cross-sectoral potential;
We established a Community of Practice
Through a learning platform and training programme based on a plan-do-check-act approach and the transnational exchange of knowledge and best practices, we support SMEs in developing and implementing their strategies (including Ecolabel certification for selected SMEs) and some national collaborative strategies.

For more info visit our website and our social media:

website: https://circulartourism.eu/
facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CentourEU
linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/cent

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