
Chester to CONWY WALLES!! - Wales is incredible!

It was sad to leave the beautiful city of Chester, although we were not sad to leave our accommodation.
We decided that we would splash out a little bit of extra money and take the train all the way into Conwy, Wales. We booked our tickets ahead of time online through a website called trainline. They made me download the app to access my ticket. However, boarding the train was super easy, we just scanned the QR code from the app and the ticket gate let us through (we got some help from the nice station attendant). The ticket cost us about £ 21 each and the journey time was roughly an hour. Once on the train, we noticed that there was a sign that said, "stopping in Conwy by request". So when the ticket man came around, we asked if the train could stop in Conwy for us. It seems that most people disembarked at Llandudno Junction, which is the stop before Conwy. You can disembark here, but if your accommodation is in Conwy proper, then it is about a 30 minute walk to Conwy from the Llandudno station.After Llandudno Junction, the train crosses the River Conwy, and passes through a really cool looking tunnel that is attached to Conwy Castle. The train then travels under a section of old city wall before making it's stop in Conwy. This was such a cool portion of the trip, and I would have been a shame to have missed this portion by disembarking in Llandudno Junction.

FOR MORE INFORMATION ABOUT TRAVELLING IN Wales: www.bumblingtourist.com :)

Filmed in November-

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*******If you use our airbnb link, we get $25 off! https://www.airbnb.ca/c/hollyg2569 (and you save $40 too!!)

******* I’m a travel addict. I’ve been travelling by myself since the age of eighteen. Recently, I’ve been exploring the world with my travel novice husband! We would love to share our photos and experiences, as well as advice with those looking to see the world! I hope to write blogs about every country I’ve been to: CANADA, UNITED STATES, ENGLAND, BELGIUM, NETHERLANDS, GERMANY, AUSTRIA, ITALY, SWITZERLAND, FRANCE, CZECH REPUBLIC, SLOVAKIA, HUNGARY, POLAND, CHINA, SWEDEN, JAPAN, THAILAND, LAOS, CAMBODIA, TAIWAN, SOUTH KOREA, SPAIN, GIBRALTAR, VIETNAM, HONG KONG, IRELAND, ROMANIA, BULGARIA, GREECE, TURKEY, NORTHERN IRELAND, SCOTLAND, WALES, MALAYSIA and MACAU. Our dream adventure is a 365 day adventure around the world.
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