
Coronavirus Story. What we have done so far and what EU is planning to do!

Since the first outbreak of coronavirus in China, the virus has spread throughout the world. No country is spared and the coronavirus crisis is having a dramatic impact on us. https://www.eudebates.tv/debates/eu-policies/health-eu-policies/coronavirus-eu-response-whats-happening-in-europe/ #eudebates #coronavirusitalla #Covid_19 #coronavirus #CoronavirusOutbreak #Corona #COVD19 #Health #EUCO #COVID #Eurogroup #EXITstrategy #Economy #Eurobond #Eurobonds In the EU we have lost, so far, tens of thousands of people to this virus. Our healthcare systems are under enormous strain and our economy is severely hit.

Defeating this virus requires unprecedented measures, but we have come a long way. Since the beginning of the year, the European Commission has taken 140 measures to tackle this virus and reduce its impact. And more will come. We have made real progress, by working closely together in the EU against the coronavirus.

The spread of the virus has started to slow down. Now we are working with governments to help ensure a gradual and coordinated lifting of containment measures, when the right time comes. We are also working on a robust recovery plan, to kick-start our economy and create jobs for Europeans - to make Europe stronger and more resilient.

Coronavirus in Europe, COVID-19 is a severe public health emergency for EU citizens, societies and economies with infections in all Member States. It is also a major economic shock to the European Union. https://www.eudebates.tv/debates/eu-policies/health-eu-policies/coronavirus-eu-response-whats-happening-in-europe/ #eudebates #coronavirusitalla #Covid_19 #coronavirus #CoronavirusOutbreak #Corona #COVD19 #Health #EUCO #COVID #Eurogroup #EXITstrategy #Economy #Eurobond #Eurobonds

EU Commission presented an immediate response to mitigate the socio-economic impact of the COVID-19 outbreak, centred on a European coordinated response.

The Coronavirus pandemic is testing us all. EU use all the instruments at its disposal to mitigate the consequences of the pandemic in Europe.
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