
CULTURE SHOK! 10 Shocking FACTS about Poland - Visit Poland.


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What to see and do in Poland.
Visiting Poland can be sometimes even a shocking experience (culture shock) for tourists and travelers.
Here are 10 Things That SHOCK Tourists about Visiting Poland.

Hi Guys, my name is Dmitriy, I am Polish, but I was born in Ukraine. A year ago I moved to Poland with my family. Poland is a beautiful country, definitely worth your attention. And today I’m gonna tell you about 10 things that might be shocking or surprising for you when you come to Poland. By the way, this beautiful place is in Warsaw. It’s King’s Palace at Wilanow. So, let’s get started!

You will be shocked by how often the weather changes here in Poland. It changes dramatically during the day. For example, the sun might be shining like this and in one hour the rain is just pouring and the sky is dark. Then again in one hour and a half the sky is clear, the sun is shining and there is no sign of the water on the ground. That’s why many foreigners experience headaches in Poland, because the air pressure jumps up and down.

You will be shocked by how Catholic people are here in Poland. In many other European countries churches are being closed and the buildings are being used for other purposes. But not here. Here in Poland most of the people do really believe in God and do really go to church.

Some people say they are shocked by neutral faces of Polish people with no smile. But don’t be confused by that, Polish people are really nice and they will gladly help you if you need.

Eating experience in Poland. It will be very special for you, I promise! The first thing that you will notice about food is POTATOES. As we Poles say, Potatoes are not just vegetables, it’s the lifestyle. Potatoes are snack food, additional ingredient, it’s a lunch, dinner, element of the soup or the entire soup.
The second thing that you will notice about food is cabbage, because it is used in many dishes. One of the most famous Polish national dishes is BIGOS that you should definitely try, and it is made from cabbage and meat.

You will be shocked by how beautiful are the town squares here in Poland. This is the town square in Warsaw, in the center of the city. And you can find such town square almost in every town or city in Poland. Look how beautiful it is, look at the architecture. There are lots of cafes, lots of souvenir shops, and usually such town square is in the center of the town.

This is one of the most famous buildings in Poland, Palace of Culture and Science, which is located in Warsaw. Very often it is regarded as a symbol of Poland, symbol of Warsaw. You can find it on the post cards, on the souvenirs. But you will be shocked that actually Polish people don’t like it even hate it, because it was built in the Soviet times as a present of mister Stalin to Polish people.

Quite shocking is that there are more theaters in Warsaw then cinemas.

When you come to Poland you will be absolutely shocked by the language that you can not understand a thing. You will be shocked by how hissing is the language. For example the word «Happiness» sounds like «Szczęście», and the time 18:30 sounds like «osiemnaście trzydzieści»

And if you will manage to learn some Polish words you will be abolutely shocked by how glad are Poles to hear you, foreigner, speaking Polish language. The older ladies they can even applause you.

If you will come to Warsaw you will be shocked by how new the Warsaw actually is. See those houses? They might seem old but actually 85% of the buildings in Warsaw were destroyed during the World War 2 and then rebuilt. So those buildings are new.

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