
Cycling tourism

On 30 June 2020, the Policy Learning Platform hosted a webinar on cycling tourism. Discover how you can combine the health benefits of cycling and tourism in your region to boost the leisure sector after the COVID-19 pandemic.

Navigate to the discussion topics of interest in the webinar agenda overview below.

00:02:42 Introduction by environment and resource efficiency Thematic Expert, Venelina Varbova, to the webinar topic and Policy Learning Platform services

00:09:11 Introduction to the topic and the health benefits of cycling by low-carbon economy Thematic Expert Katharina Krell

00:19:10 Presentation by Alain joint by a presentation of Jose Carlos (00:36:08) on supporting cycling tourism in a coherent way

00:41:24 Q&A Should cycling tourism have its own dedicated regional strategy, and if so, who should develop it?

00:46:26 Presentation by Magdalena Osełka on the cooperation of the Eastern Poland Regions with the promotion of the eastern cycling trail Green Velo

00:58:38 Q&A Cycling tourism can help diversify the local economies. Did your project achieve such an impact on the economy of the participating regions and how?

01:00:58 Q&A What are the main issues in promoting cycling in natural areas?

01:05:00 Presentation by Ed Lancaster on the EuroVelo initiative: a cycling tourism map & guide through Europe

01:19:18 Q&A Would you be able to provide guidance, if a regional mobility or tourism policy maker was contacting you for good recommendations?

01:21:03 Q&A Tourism is one of the sectors badly hit by the recent COVID-19 pandemic. Cycling is among the winners of the crisis. How to best use the momentum to enable cycling to help rural tourism? Can you think of concrete measures?

01:28:37 Q&A What are the things to watch out for when supporting cycling tourism? What can go wrong when ill planned? How to avoid the pitfalls?

01:33:50 Q&A What can public policy makers do, where should they start and what concrete steps should they take for this upcoming programming period?
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