
Czechia or Czech Republic? Eastern Europe or Central Europe? Expat or immigrant?

Is the Czech Republic in Eastern Europe or Central Europe? Should we call it Czechia, Czech Republic, or just Czech? Am I an expat or an immigrant? In this video, I address some common questions that people have brought up in the comments. Some beautiful views of St. Vitus Cathedral and Pražský Hrad (Prague Castle) and a walk down the Zlatá Ulička (Golden Lane) on a sunny August afternoon in Prague as a bonus.

***I'm doing a digital hangout/meetup this weekend!***
Join me for a Twitch stream on Sunday, August 8 from 6-10 pm. I'll be playing Final Fantasy XIV for the first time as a total newbie. If you're interested in gaming, Final Fantasy XIV, or just hanging out with me while I learn something new, come say hi. My Twitch channel:

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