
Dando vueltas عمال تلف في المداينNasser El Noubi Gemeza &Revolver combo

Dando vueltas por el mundo y todo va fuera de la cabeza, cambia todo el mundo , amor y paz lo que nos falta

Nasser El Noubi letras ,musica, y letras


Matteo LAnducci Guitarra
Marco pachi Bass
Giuseppe trompet
Emiliano drums

Historia de los miembros de la banda
Giuseppe Nannini

Poly instrumentalist prefers playing trumpet and saxophone.
After the album listen "My Funny Valentine" by Chet Baker approaches to jazz music,

For years he performed throughout Italy, he participates in several jazz festivals Termoli, Terni, Monte Carlo, Siena
opening the concert of the Quartetto di Lucca
His playing is represented by a Chet phrase that says:
"When I play what really interests me is totry to touch the deepest chords of”

Matteo Landucci

He has graduated in Jazz guitar from the conservatory “G. Puccini” La Spezia (Italy). He has participated in many seminars of jazz guitar, teaching methods of the instrument and for the performative aspect.
From 2007 he has been a teacher of guitar, harmony in these institute: Scuola di Musica “A. Bernardini” di Buti (Pisa), Accademia della musica “G. Gemignani” Altopascio (Lucca), Scuola Comunale di Musica “G.Pacini” di Pescia (Lucca), Jam Academy (Lucca), scuola comunale di musica Gallicano (LU).
He plays jazz and pop music with different groups, he has been played in Italy, France, England and Holland. He has worked also with Rai, RadioRai, Tendastrisce Theatre as guitarist and producer for documentary and for theatrical performance

Marco Bachi

Marco Bachi was born in Florence, Italy, on Nov 27th 1968.
Professional double bass and electric bass player from 1986.
He studied classical music in Florence Conservatory “Luigi Cherubini” with Ampelio Francini and graduated in 1997 with Alberto Bocini.
He played with a lot of chamber and symphonic orchestras (Orchestra Sinfonica di Firenze, Orchestra di S Felice, Orchestra Amadeus, Orchestra da camera Galilei, etc)
He studied also with Franco Petracchi, Gary Karr and Franco Muzzi.
From 1993 he plays both acoustic and electric bass with his own band “bandabardo’”.
This band have made 11 records and played over than 1450 concerts all around the world including Italy, Switzerland, Germany, France, Uk, Ireland, Belgium, Poland, Luxembourg,
With bandabardò he have won a lot of prizes (Midem 2004, best italian band, Mei best italian record in 2008, premio Ciampi 1996, etc) and played in different Tv and Radio Shows (Concerti di Radio 1, Scalo 76, Roxy bar, Help, Taratata, L’importante è avere un piano, European social forum, etc).
In this years he had recorded and toured with a lot of artist like:
Daniele Silvestri, Paola Turci, Marina Rei, Patty Pravo, Piero Pelù, Gipsy Kings,

Emiliano Barrella

Emiliano Barrella was born in Naples, Italy, on Oct. 29th 1987.
In 2014 he specialized in Jazz drums (2nd level degree) at Conservatorio “Giacomo Puccini” in La Spezia. In 2010 he graduated in Jazz music (1st level degree) at Conservatorio “S. Pietro a Majella” in Naples. In 2008 he earned a Jazz performing and ensemble diploma at “Civica Scuola di Musica” in Capannori (Lucca) with teacher Valerio Silvestro. In 2008 he earned a diploma at Fredy Malfi’s “Drums School”.
In 2010 he received private lessons by John Riley. In 2013 he attended an improvement master in jazz music with Kurt Rosenwinkel, Aaron Parks, Justin Faulkner, Eric Revis.

Nasser el Noubi

poeta, musico y cantante
Nasser el noubi
Maris was born in a village south-west of Luxor
Born in the November 4, 1968
Cairo Trade Business Administration
Diploma in history and civilization of Egypt from the Faculty of Tourism and Hotels, Helwan University
He won the Cervantes Prize for Poetry from the Spanish Cultural Center
Maris was born in a village south-west of Luxor
Born in the November 4, 1968
Cairo Trade Business Administration
Diploma in history and civilization of Egypt from the Faculty of Tourism and Hotels, Helwan University, he write and sing in spanish english ,italian and his mother language arabic

He won the Cervantes Prize for Poetry from the Spanish Cultural Center in 1995
Issued his first poetry entitled (Mirror of water2003)
Foundations Gemmaiza band poetic lyrics 2003
Gemeiza band lyrical independent founded by poet Nasser Nubi Mansour in 2003 and the number of band members arrived ten members between the musicians and singers seeking a gemeiza bandto maintain the Egyptian identity
through contemporary songs, taking into account the heritage Egyptian
pillar of development and communication between the generations global Music
The name of his band comes from the sycamore tree because it is an Egyptian mother tree (O See the tree), which was represented for the old Egyptian resurrection and immortality where she lives sycamore tree more than 700 year
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