Dankey refugees in Croatian forest Pakistani Bangali Afghani and Indian people go to italy dankey

Be Aware to do Donkey anywhere in the World. Don't go Illegal try to opt legal ways like Student visa, Business Visa and Visit Visa.
مزید انفارمیشن کے لیے ہمارے انسٹا کام آئی ڈی اور فیسبک پیج پر فالو کریں اور اپنا میسج ریکارڈ کروائیں بہت شکریہ
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فیسبک پیج.


vido ko like karin

اسلام علیکم ناظرین امید کرتا ہوں خیریت سے ہوں گے الحمداللہ میں بالکل ٹھیک ٹھاک ہوں اللہ کا احسان ہے آج کی اس ویڈیو میں آپ کہاں فارمیشن دے جا رہا ہوں آپ نے یہ ویڈیو ضرور دیکھنی ہے اور دیکھنے کے بعد آپ نے وہی کرنا ہے جو میں نے آپ کو بتایا ہے
مزید انفارمیشن کے لیے آپ ہمارے چینل کو دیکھتے رہیں تمام ویڈیوز کو دیکھا کریں اور جن دوستوں نے سبسکرائب نہیں کیا براہ مہربانی چینل کو سبسکرائب کر لیں اپنے دوستوں سے شیئر کردیں
اور جتنے بھی آپ کے سوالات ہیں ان کے جوابات جاننے کے لیے آپ کمنٹ سیکشن میں اپنی رائے کا اظہار کر سکتے ہیں

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Be Aware to do Donkey anywhere in the World. Don't go Illegal try to opt legal ways like Student visa, Business Visa and Visit Visa
How Adil tries illegal border crossing from Turkey to Greece and they want to do donkey towards Europe. Most people do these are from Pakistan, Iran, Bangladesh, and India. They just don't try to cross borders there are lots of hurdles in illegal border crossing and illegal river crossing also. They just have one thing in their minds Europe ki donkey, Europe donkey, and some of the other factors in their minds. The main factor is Earn money in Europe, how to earn money in Europe, Work in Europe, Work in italy, Work in France, etc.. They all are Refugees in Europe who want to earn money.
There are lots of border They try to cross. E.g Turkey border, Greece border, Iran border, Italy border, Hungry border etcEurope info TV, pakistan to turkey by road, Pakistan to iran by road, pakistan to turkey by road map, pakistan to italy by road, pakistan to greece, pakistan to greece, Refugees in Italy, Europe Denkey, Iran to turkey, Turkey to Unan, italy Illegal, France, spain, Bosnia to Croatia Slovenia illegally, Deaths Travel illegally in Europe, India to Serbia, Serbia to Bosnia, Illegally Denky, Pakistan to iran donky, Europe ki Donkey, Illegally River Crossing, Illegally boarder crossing, river of turkey and Greece boarder, Istanbul to salonike, Europe Donkey,
Europe info TV, Pakistan to turkey by road, Pakistan to iran by road, Pakistan to turkey by road map, Pakistan to italy by road, Pakistan to greece, Refugees in Italy, Europe Denkey, Iran to turkey, Turkey to Unan, France, Spain, Bosnia to Croatia Slovenia illegally, India to Serbia, Serbia to Bosnia, Romania To Italy, Illegally River crossing, Migrants in Europe, Bangladesh to Greece, Afghanistan to Turkey, Greece work, Turkey work, Slovenia, Purtgal, Italy, How Go to Italy,
#Europeinfotv #Dankeyitaly #Illegallybordercrossing
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