
Development and Migration: Root causes and successful interventions

Migration and development are dynamically intertwined through reciprocal events and feedback processes that foster social change. This public seminar focuses on the role of development interventions in tackling the root causes of migration.

During the seminar, Dr. Manuel Orozco - Director of the Inter-American Dialogue’s Migration, Remittances and Development Program - will present an economic stabilization strategy based on six pillars of intervention, all based on migration and remittances as a means to create wealth and productivity while at the same time mitigating the need to migrate. Using Guatemala’s recent experience, the presentation will illuminate how financial inclusion efforts among remittance recipients has increased wealth in the local economy while reducing the intention to migrate. Financial inclusion efforts through remittances involves savings mobilization into credit in the knowledge economy, investment in human capital, while simultaneously addressing foreign labor demands in the USA through a guest worker program.

- Dr. Manuel Orozco, Director, The Dialogue
Mr. Orozco is the international expert on remittances, their flows, and ways to harness their development potential.
- Jakob Rogild Jakobsen, Chief Advisor for ‘Migration, Stabilisation and Fragility, Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs
- Dr. Ninna Nyberg Sørensen, Senior Researcher, DIIS

14.30-14.40 Welcome and introduction, Ninna Nyberg Sørensen

14.40-15.20 Presentation, Manuel Orozco

15.20-15.30 Discussant, Jakob Rogild Jakobsen

15.30-16.00 Q&A moderated by Ninna Nyberg Sørensen
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