Enlisting Global Cooperation on the Issue of the Peaceful Reunification of the Korean Peninsula

There are key geopolitical sectors whose cooperation is essential to solving the impasse on the Korean Peninsula. The “six parties” (DPRK, ROK, USA, Japan, Russia and China) are obvious, and it could be said that the rest of the industrialized world brings to bear a great deal of influence by the fact of their economic and political presence on the Peninsula. Powerful enticements include trade and commerce, travel via an international highway system and the benefits of an environment of calm. On the global scale, there is a general lack of awareness of the importance of the reunification of North and South Korea, the implications for the rest of the world, how the other nations can help bring it about and why they should be interested in doing so. In this session, we want to take initial steps in fleshing out the reunification issues for the rest of the world.
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