Enriched Life Stories of Ustad Tawakal Muhammad, a foundational Science Teacher of Hunza [in Wakhi]

Ustad Tawakal Muhammad son of Jamat Ali was born in 1950s in Passu, a famous touristic venue especially in terms of natural tourism. He got his primary and secondary level education from Hunza and then left for Karachi where his paternal uncle resided. After getting his higher education from Karachi, he returned to Hunza and opted for teaching as his profession. It should be noted that in the 1980s end 1990s, there was dearth of human resources, specially in teaching profession at in schools and get aside the educational institutions like a couple of colleges in Gilgit-Baltistan Region. Ustad Tawakal Muhammad stands on top in the feald of teaching among the people of Gojal where he had his B. Sc in Biological Sciences.It was a blessing for the community of the whole region when he joined Government Boys School in Gulmit as the first science teacher of his area. Earlier than him the science teachers were imported from the down country such as Punjab, KP or Sind.He thus laid a great foundation that in addition to medical and engineering or cadet officers in military field, which the people of the whole region and country had (even today it exists to a significant evel) where teaching was given not the primary priority.
It is pertinent to share here that my classmates and I at secondary level in science group, while studying in Federal Government Boys High School in Gulmit, where those fortunate students who significantly availed education from Ustad Tawakal Muhammad the great.
Besides, his professional services in different schools of the region, Ustad Tawakal Muhammad also contributed in voluntary capacity to different civil society organizations at his village and whole area. One of the prominent positions, on which he served his community and is regarded significantly, was is voluntary services as Mukhi of Passu Jamatkhana.
The life of Ustad Tawakal Muhammad is filled with enormous, significant and enriched experiences as he is currently in 70 plus age. I hope the related audience and viewers will appreciate his all efforts , achievement and contributions, which he so humbly and humanely discusses in the video of an hour or so. I’m so indebted to him for his trust, care and consent to share all pertinent information and experiences with with Eaglesworld. May God bless him with further strength and long life as he is still so lively and proactive.

Interviewer: Fazal Amin Beg in Summer 2021
Interviewee: Ustad Tawakal Muhammad son of Jama’t Ali
Videography: Nisar Karim of Hunza PamirTV
Website: www.fazalamin.com
FaceBook Page and Profile: Fazal Amin Beg
Twitter: @fazalaminbeg

#EaglesWorld #MuhammadTawakal #Passu #Hunza #Gojal #Biography
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