
EU: Impose Visas On US Citizens

CNN reported, that members of the European Parliament have called for the European Commission to impose visas on US citizens visiting Europe amid an ongoing dispute over visa restrictions against five EU nations. MEPs called on Washington to grant the same visa-free access to nationals of Bulgaria, Croatia, Poland, Romania and Cyprus as enjoyed by citizens of the other 23 EU nations. EU rules require equal treatment for all member states. US citizens can currently visit all EU nations without a visa under the visa waiver program. The resolution, approved by MEPs Thursday by a show of hands, urges the Commission to adopt the necessary legal measures "within two months" but is non-binding, according to a European Parliament news release. If applied, it would temporarily impose visa requirements on US travelers until full visa reciprocity is achieved. But EU nations would stand to lose out if tourism and business travel from the United States were impacted.

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