
Europeando Europa: OUR HISTORY

Europeando was born in 1947 from the passion for traveling of the family Laiolo and his will to offer a service based on the quality of the transports and accommodations. In 1951 Dante Laiolo began the organization of international travels and Rina, his wife, in 1962 is the first woman in Italy to organize and personally drive tours all around Europe! Europeando is a tour operator who knew how to combine the experience gained over time with the cutting-edge technologies of every era, and has been always recognized as a modern tour operator that has been faithful to respect of quality! Since the 90s the corporate structure has slightly evolved, including new professionals and an even more modern and international dimension.
The relation between the agency and the customers has been changing for many years, creating a friendship and intimate atmosphere. We were able to modify our trips typology, our means of transport but we have always maintained a professionally high staff, drivers and guides. We always study carefully all the roads, facilities and places to go before giving any suggestion to the client. We organise all the trips – and we’re proud to stress it – in a manic way: we search the availability of your hotels, the best fees in 3 and 4 stars hotel, the best position, local guides with a long experience with us, low cost flights, ferries, our GT coaches perfectly examined every year and driven by great experience drivers, a staff at your total disposal 24 hours per day.
We are different, first of all, because we give you personalised programs and services according to your wish and interests. You have only to introduce us your trip idea and dates: we take care about everything. We find out for you means of transport, guided tours, hotels, restaurants: everything we want is to make you feel as at home, even if you are several kilometres far. Our trips concern a wide range of interests for our clients: excursions, religious tourism, visit to capitals in traditional or low cost way by coach, visits to our country in all its aspects: seaside, lakes, mountain, tours by ferry; we are interested in wine and food tourism. We can’t forget the trips we prepare for schools and our customers from South America, Australia, Canada and, of course, Italy.
Very important for us are our famous Regular Tours!
This exclusive product was born in the middle of the 1990s because of an intuition by Mr. Bruno Laiolo, our manager, for give the opportunity to tourists to have a new product which could be useful to visit some less famous places of our beautiful peninsula and some area of France (Côte d'Azur and Corsica). During the years our Regular Tours has changed in order to satisfy the always increasing number of customers, but always following the original: joining culture, fun and entertainment.
Europeando is a reality that mixes lucid dreams with your routines, introducing a small atom of experience that will always have a life of its own in your brain material. What today is a reality, tomorrow will live in your brain as something to draw from in response to the normal, tedious, necessary everyday life. What Europeando does is very simple: it doesn't work miracles, it doesn't do magic, all it deals with is implanting memories into your memory. But he will do it forever.


WEB: www.europeando.it
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/europeandotouroperator/
INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/europeandoeuropa/?hl=it
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