Experience of Working with Forced Migrants: Germany

Video recording of the online meeting "Experience of Working with Forced Migrants: Germany" (November 1, 2022 ).
o experience of Germany in working with forced migrants;
o what support in integration and education is provided to forced migrants from Ukraine due to the military aggression of Russia against Ukraine;
o best practices of German organizations and activists in work and interaction with forced migrants.

Speaker - Tanja Hoggan-Kloubert, PhD, Associate professor for Adult Education at the University of Augsburg, Founder and CEO of the association Deutsch ukrainische Dialog e. V.
Moderator - Nazarii Boiarskyi, Democratic Initiatives Incubator NGO, member of the Trainers' Pool of the Council of Europe, independent expert of the Eastern European Network for Citizenship Education (EENCE).

The online meeting is organized by the NGO "Democratic Initiatives Incubator" (Ukraine) within the framework of the project “The response of citizenship education to the challenges of forced migration”, which is implemented by the Working group of the EENCE Network "Citizenship Education and Forced Migration“ supported by the Federal Agency for Civic Education (Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung/bpb) using funds appropriated by the Federal Foreign Office, Germany.

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