
Exploring Poland's Most Famous Castle Beer Brewery!! (Secret Access)

All you need to know and every piece of information your looking for you will find in this video on how some of the most famous Polish beers are brewed from the beginning stage to the final process you will see the original machines and rooms used dated back centuries. The Cieszyn Brewery is a historic brewery in Poland dating back from 1846. It is the longest continuously operating brewery in Poland. The brewery is located in the border town of Poland. The Castle is located on a hill which is the classicist palace known for a place of tourism and its tourist attractions. After the castle tour and finding out so much interesting things about this place I was invited to do a beer degustation and the I was also gifted with some of Cieszyn lagers beers.

If you ever in town and your interested in a tour and trying Poland’s most famous beer contact details are below.

Browar Zamkowy Cieszyn
ul. Dojazdowa 2
43-400 Cieszyn
tel: +48 33 851 64 02

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